Proofing Janey Lou’s Pumpkin Bagel Dough
“Hey, Pumpkin!†Does your grandma call you this cute nickname? We love autumn and all of the delicious flavors and scents it brings with it, but especially anything pumpkin. So, obviously, we’re pretty excited to introduce this new way to wake up to autumn: Janey Lou’s Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Bagel Dough (#2317)! Sweetly spiced, chewy bagels that only need to be proofed and baked.
Stacee Izatt, an AP Regional Sales Manager, shared some great tips for proofing:

How we Serve Pumpkin Bagels:
- Spread on some cream cheese
- Add a dollop of Chef Shamy Cinnamon Brown Sugar Honey Butter (#8129)
- Try it with Jif Creamy Peanut Butter (#2913)
- Embrace fall flavors and add a layer of apple butter.
- Spread on some Kirkland Butter (#1723), then sprinkle with Cinnamon-Vanilla French Toast Sugar.

Proof and Bake Bagels
- Thaw. Remove 6 bagels from freezer. Line baking tray with parchment paper and spray. Cover tray with plastic tightly and place in the refrigerator for a minimum of 6 hours. Thawed product must be baked within 36 hours.
- Proof. Remove tray from fridge, remove cover and leave product at room temperature until the dough has doubled in size. Approximately 90-120 minutes*.
- Bake. Place rolls in 375F** oven and bake for 12-17 minutes, or until brown. For a crispier crust mist dough with water before baking.
Once bagels have thawed and risen…
- Bring a large pot of water to a boil (the wider the pot, the better) and add the 1 tsp baking soda; have ready a slotted spoon or skimmer. Remove one pan of bagels from the refrigerator. Slide the parchment along with the dough onto the counter. Line the pan with a clean sheet of parchment, mist with Vegalene, and sprinkle with cornmeal.
- Gently drop the bagels into the water (it doesn’t matter which side goes in first), boiling only as many as will comfortably fit; they should float within 10 seconds, if not immediately. Boil for 1 minute, flip them over, and boil for another 1 minute. For very chewy bagels, boil for 2 minutes per side.
- As the bagels finish cooking, lift them out with the skimmer and set them on the baking sheet with the cornmeal or semolina, top side up. If you’re sprinkling sesame or poppy seeds, kosher salt, chopped onions, or minced garlic on the bagels, do so now.
- Bake. Place rolls in 375F°F-400°F oven and bake for 12-17 minutes, or until brown. For a crispier crust mist dough with water before baking.
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